Hello World!

A place I would like to visit

Out of all locations in the world I would chose to travel to the artic.I would like to go to the artic because the cold would allow me tell who many of my friends and family are crazy or liars. Anyone who makes up an excuse that doesn't allow them to travel isn't trustworthy. Anybody who comes along for the trip is dangerous and should be neutralized promptly.The sheer gravity of this sorting ability makes a trip to the artic appear in my list of dreams.

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A person I admire
(past or present)

One of the people I admire most is my mother. She keeps feed and dressed me when I was young. She treats my injuries and tries to advise me no matter how wrong the actual advise is. Most importantly she deals with my nonsense when taking care of me which amazed me to no end because good (Insert Prefered Diety) knows I wouldn't.

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Favorite Fruits

Favorite Presidents

  1. George Washington
  2. Abraham Lincoln
  3. Satoru Iwata
  4. Barack Obama
  5. Ronald Reagan